Curriculum Enrichment Days

In June we welcomed back Dance Days who led 1950’s dance sessions with each class to conclude our celebrations of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We also held a Skip2Bfit workshop for the whole school when all the children (and staff!) challenged themselves to see how many skips they could do […]

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

We had the most wonderful week just before half-term celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in school. On the Tuesday we held a Community Picnic Lunch and welcomed residents from the village to join us. The weather stayed fine (just!) and towards the end of the afternoon we gathered on the […]

Ascension Day Service

Ascension Day comes forty days after Easter and celebrates Jesus’ ascension into heaven. It marks an important transition in the Church calendar and as a reference point for the faith of Christians.. The feast day falls on Thursday 26th May, and we held a service at St Faith’s Church, Shellingford […]

Annual Parent and Pupil Questionnaires Feedback

Many thanks to those parents who kindly responded to the questionnaire. We had responses from 34 of the 70 school families. We are delighted that 100% of respondents would recommend Shellingford School to another family. An overwhelming majority (84%) showed positive responses to all the questions, and the results […]

Curriculum Activities

Our whole school topic for the summer term has a focus on History. Class 3 and 4’s visited Warwick Castle and our younger pupils in Class 1 and 2 visited to The Vale and Downland Museum at the start of the term. Here are also some photographs of some magnificent […]

Easter Bonnets

Friends of Shellingford School (FoSS) organised an Easter Bonnet competition. We were very impressed and clearly much effort had gone into creating these. Here are some photographs of the winning entries:

Easter Celebrations

Easter is the most important Christian festival of the year when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our Easter Service was held in St Faith’s Church Shellingford and led by
Class 3 who had thoughtfully prepared the service with Bible readings, prayers and poems reflecting the Easter story. The whole […]

Cotswold Forest School

We are delighted that Cotswold Forest School have returned to work with the children this term. Forest Schools allow the children to engage in practical problem-solving and team-work activities in the outdoor environment and can help develop children’s confidence and self-esteem.

Peace Day

Our thoughts continue to be occupied by the conflict in Ukraine and the ensuing refugee crisis. Regular prayers for the people of Ukraine are being said during our Collective Worships and we have given the children opportunities to discuss the situation with their teachers if questions have arisen. We are […]

Reading, Phonics and Spelling: Parents Presentation

We gave an online TEAMs presentation for parents on how we teach reading, spellings and phonics across the school and how parents can best support their child/ren in these areas at home. The presentation focused on each year group and was applicable for all children in Early Years, Key Stage […]

World Book Day

We began Spring Term 4 by celebrating World Day and as usual we were highly impressed with the array of costumes and book characters. We spent the week focusing on books and a love of reading with different classroom activities running throughout each day. One of the activities was the […]

Safer Internet Day

This year’s global theme was All fun and games? with a focus on respect and relationships online. The whole school discussed where children can play games and how we interact with others safely and respectfully online.

Bassistry Music

We were delighted to welcome back Bassistry Music for a music education workshop. Each class explored world rhythms such as Latin, Samba, African, Caribbean. The children used percussion, body rhythms, dance and song to explore rhythms from around the world. Class 4 also composed their own music using ‘O-Generator’, an […]

Wear Green to Keep the Planet Green

We all wore something green to school to think about environmental issues and to be proactive in improving the school environment as well as raising awareness nationally and globally. We are also supporting a Bin Twinning project this year.

Ashmolean Museum

We were able to take the whole school to the Ashmolean Museum in January. The children had the most wonderful time exploring and enjoying the museum’s collections. Our younger children focused on Chinese history, culture and art, whereas our children in Key Stage Two looked at Japanese military armour and […]

Christmas Festivities

Children in Class One and Two performed ‘It’s a Party!’  It was such a joy to see our youngest children enjoying themselves and for parents to be able to present and share their excitement.

Every Christmas we like to support a local children’s charity and we decided this year to collect […]

The Big Christmas Sing

Our School Choir took part in The Big Christmas Sing in Oxford Town Hall which was organised by the County Music Service.  We were extremely proud of the children and pleased that they were able to take part in this festive event.

Celebration Assembly

We held two separate Celebration Assemblies for parents in Class 1 & 2, and parents Class 3 & 4, in view of COVID-19 and the size of the Community Hall and space available.  We have really missed occasions such as these and the children were very excited to show parents […]

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week takes place in schools across England each November. The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is ‘One Kind Word.’ We all wore odd socks to demonstrate that we are all different and had a special worship to introduce Anti-Bullying Week. During the week the children used role play […]

Watermill Theatre – The Jungle Book

We all very much enjoyed our visit to the Watermill Theatre to see The Jungle Book. It was a captivating musical performance of Rudyard Kipling’s classic tale full of movement, laughter and wonder.  A production the children will no doubt remember for a long time.

Book Bingo

At Shellingford School, we are very keen to foster a love of books and reading in the children.  During Autumn Term Two we launched a whole school Book Bingo.  Each child was given a ‘Bingo’ card to take home, covering a wide range of book-types.  Their challenge was to read 4 […]

Act of Remembrance

Our Act of Remembrance was held in the Community Hall this year, however in light of COVID-19 the service was a school only occasion in order to continue to help keep the school and wider community safe. Our Remembrance Service was a very special occasion strengthened with the presence of […]

Shellingford School Family Learning Culture

At our school we talk about the ‘Shellingford School Family Learning Culture’ and refer to this daily in lessons. We expect all our pupils to have a ‘Growth Mindset’ – to embrace challenge, persevere and learn from mistakes, show curiosity and enjoy learning, and have future aspirations. Our […]