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Act of Remembrance

Our Act of Remembrance and Dedication was held at St Faith’s Church and was a very poignant occasion for the school community. We would like to give a very special thanks to Mr Tom Scrivens, and Mrs Steve Cloete from The Royal British Legion who were in attendance and to The Reverend Max Young for leading the service. The school choir sang two moving songs, each class presented a wreath and poppies were laid as a mark of respect. The school raised £232.09 for The Poppy Appeal.

Act of Remembrance2023-01-01T11:59:46+00:00

Harvest Celebrations

Our whole school Harvest Service took place on Friday 30th September at St Faith’s church and was led by the children in Classes 1 and 2. We had the most enjoyable Harvest Service and it was so lovely to see so many parents and families attend the celebration. The church was full and the children sang their hearts out! We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to Mrs Veronica Buxton from the Ministry Team who lead our service. Thank you also for your generous donations in support of the Farming Community Network following our ‘Farmers and Farm Animal Day which raised £83.00.

Harvest Celebrations2022-10-13T14:44:10+01:00

School Tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The pupils and staff paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and reflecting on her life during Collective Worship and in lessons. We wanted to thank our late monarch for all the ways she served her country and those in her care. The children wrote personal messages and drew pictures to show their appreciation and on behalf of the school Miss Villar took them to London where these are now in the memorial garden at Green Park. Many people paused to talk to Miss Villar about the children’s drawings and messages at Westminster Hall, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Seemingly our tribute was also visible when the Queen’s hearse drove by as it was leaving London.

School Tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II2022-10-13T14:43:04+01:00

Prayer Space

BeSpace and the Uffington Benefice of Churches organised a Prayer Space in St Faith’s Church to give the children an opportunity to experience prayer in a personal way.  We were very grateful to the volunteers and for everyone’s hard work in providing this experience for the children.

Prayer Space2022-10-13T14:41:53+01:00

Welcome Back

It is lovely to see everyone again after the summer break and we would particularly like to welcome all our new families and staff who have joined us. The children have settled in very well and it has been a pleasure to watch them return to school.

Welcome Back2022-10-13T14:38:21+01:00
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